Psycho Jazz 2023
PSYCHO JAZZ IS BACK! The superlative of free jazz pays tribute to chaos, fantasy, genius and good food.
Programme to follow!
Why Psycho Jazz?
In 1975, the Schizo Culture colloquium took place at Columbia University. Organiser Sylvère Lotringer enlisted philosopher Michel Foucault, writer William Burroughs and composer John Cage for panel talks and lectures. The programme also included workshops such as Gay Liberations, Mental Patients' Liberation and Feminism and Therapy.
The event was concluded by a SCHIZO PARTY with a performance by The Ramones. Museum Dr Guislain and Lucinda Ra follow in the footsteps of this legendary event.
“One does not desire revolution. Desire is revolutionary.”
G. Deleuze & F. Guattari
With the support of: