Title: Memory, Art and Resistance: Gender-Based Violence in the Favelas of Maré
The talk will aim to reflect on the relation between memory, art, and resistance based on the experiences of women affected by gender-based violence in Maré. Maré is the largest group of favelas in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with approximately 140 thousand people, mostly black (62.1%) and female (51%), distributed across sixteen favelas. In terms of population, Maré is the ninth most populous neighbourhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro and, in size, is larger than 96% of Brazilian municipalities. Although located in the heart of the city, Maré has one of the worst Human Development Indexes (HDI) in Brazil. For this exchange, the trajectory and outcomes of different projects that have been implemented with women affected by violence in Maré, through partnerships between universities and civil society organisations, between 2018 and 2023, will be presented. The projects, in which women played a central role at all stages, raised subjects such as ancestry and memory, colonial heritage and institutional violence, intersectionalities of race, gender and sexuality, resistance strategies and art. Through this exchange, we hope to think together about the political place of memory in the construction of multiple processes of resistance.
Noelle Coelho Resende has a PhD in law and is a psychoanalyst who dedicates herself to working in the field of care and institutional violence. Inspired by the work of Fernand Deligny, she is interested in thinking about care from a territorial, cartographic and collective perspective. In recent years, she has worked on different projects with women affected by gender-based violence. She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Ministry of Health/Brazil), involved in participatory projects to develop health initiatives in vulnerabilised territories. With 15 years' experience in the field of human rights protection and state violence, she was president of the Human Rights Council of the State of Rio de Janeiro, participated in the monitoring of the National Truth Commission and was responsible for the investigation on Torture and Deprivation of Liberty in the Subcommission of Truth of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Practical Info:
When: 9 NOV - 8:00 pm
Where: Museum Dr. Guislain
Free registration HERE